Monday, March 7, 2011

March 9th at Sessions!!!

This week at Session 73, we have an exciting line up...

At 7pm we are joined by Luke Hendon whom with amazing acoustic prowess, is bringing us back to the music of the "Django Reinhardt" heyday...

At 8pm, we will be joined by the talented Emily Angell. Emily hails from Binghamton and is now in New York City. You can find her on the net at:

9pm we welcome to the stage with his "glorious mustache" Jay Delle Valle...

Della Valle started to film his acclaimed documentary, The Glorious Mustache Challenge, which received press and attention from The Today Show, Good Morning America, Geraldo at Large, CNN, and The New York Times. "The Glorious Mustache" started when he dared a handful of friends to grow a mustache and not shave for one month. This experiment led him to have the idea to chronicle the experiences of men under 30 in their conquest to revive the "ill-fated" mustache trend. The making of film quickly gained traction and press- garnering featured articles in Time Out New York and on the front page of The New York Times. and AM New York Upon its completion, film screenings took the form of "mustache parties" where the film would play, costumes and staches would be required, and inevitably, a mustache contest would be judged by Della Valle. Press from The New York Times caught the eye of Dr. Aaron Perlut and Dr. Dan Callahan, the leaders of the American Mustache Institute, who would later indoctrinate Della Valle as "Chairman Emeritus". AMI is the one and only institution that vows to protect the legacy of the mustache and the rights of all mustached Americans.

Check out his video at:

10pm Brings Steven King (no, not the acclaimed thriller novelist - but, wouldn't that be interesting)

Here is a link to the novelists band... which i am impressed that he is trying to rock...

The actual Steven King guy coming to play at Session 73 this Wednesday was a part of the group 30/60 and is now coming to perform solo with us... here is a link

11pm brings us Peter Bagale, vocalist from New York city based band, Bacci. Bacci has been touring the country for the past 8 years performing with groups such as John Mayer, Fishbone, Teitur, Lou Gramm, and many others. The band's last album was mixed by Jamie Siegel (Lauryn Hill, Taking Back Sunday) and is now going into the studio to complete their 4th release due out sometime this summer. Here is a link to their blog:

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